Big data for big results in childhood cancer

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Big data for big results in childhood cancer

Children and Cancer: An Atlantic Forum

Last week Seven Bridges CEO Brandi Davis-Dusenbery joined an expert panel to discuss how data contributes to the fight against childhood cancer. Hosted by The Atlantic, the Children and Cancer forum sought to address the practical realities of pediatric cancer and identify ways to improve outcomes for these patients.

You can catch up with the Big Data for Big Results session here:

Brandi was joined on stage by Lillian Meacham, Professor of Pediatrics, Emory University, Adam Resnick, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Coalition Against Childhood Cancer, and Olga Khazan, Staff Writer, The Atlantic. The panel highlighted how access to key data gives researchers the power to predict and improve outcomes for children with cancer and other diseases.

De-siloing pediatric data enables discovery

As part of the session, the panel discussed Cavatica—the cloud platform for collaborative pediatric disease data sharing and management built by Seven Bridges for the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and leading pediatric research consortia. By opening up data silos, Cavatica enables pediatric disease researchers to rapidly access and use key research data; for example to easily orchestrate analysis of epilepsy exomes.

Seven Bridges and partners recently received an award to develop the Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Data Resource, to bring together harmonized, large-scale, pediatric cancer and structural birth defects data and provide researchers with access to multiple disease datasets in one location.

Connected data enables discovery in pediatric disease research. Visit to get started, or contact us to learn more about how to bring your own research data to the Cavatica platform.