Conferences October 16th, 2015 Postcard from ASHG 2015 Predictions are a risky business. Advances in genome and genetic research – and some implications – were on display at this year’s American Society of Human Genetics conference (#ASHG15) with insights into the genome-based future of research and medicine. The Baltimore gathering showed how the massive volume of genome sequencing … Written by Edward Hancock Conferences October 9th, 2015 From ASHG 2015, Dr. Wan-Ping Lee on a better read mapping graph Last call #ASHG15. If bioinformatics and a better graph-based genome is your area of interest, you’ll want to meet Dr. Wan-Ping Lee of Seven Bridges Genomics at 3pm Friday 10/9 in Room 316. Here’s a brief introduction: Current short-read mapping algorithms utilize species-specific genome reference sequences to align reads from … Written by Edward Hancock Mathematics September 4th, 2015 The 40-Year-Old Algorithm Talk about job security. . . after 40 years, mathematicians have concluded that they cannot improve on the industry-standard algorithm used to compute the “edit distance” in analyzing long sets of digits or data. Decades of testing and analysis showed this to be a math problem with no solution, according … Written by Edward Hancock Uncategorized July 9th, 2015 As scientists, we don’t just want to encourage data sharing — we want to measure it There is a lot of talk of incentivizing data sharing in science, but which practices in particular do we want to encourage? At Seven Bridges, we have been thinking of how to design a metric that tracks the kinds of data sharing that most benefit science. Simply being a prolific sharer is useless if … Written by Kate Hodesdon Product News July 8th, 2015 Open Access Publishing Fees Are Reimbursed on the Platform Just a quick note about something we expect many of our customers will appreciate: Seven Bridges now covers the open access publishing fees for any research paper that results from work done on our platform. As Deniz Kural, our CEO, put it: “We want to do everything possible to accelerate … Written by Kate Hodesdon Product News June 23rd, 2015 Docker industry leaders unite to create an open specification for containers I was happy to learn of the Open Container Project (OCP), announced yesterday. Docker, CoreOS, AWS and other major developers of containerzation technology will work together to create a single, open specification for containers that is not dependent on any particular architecture. While Docker has served us well in the development of our SDK, I’m looking forward to … Written by Boysha Science June 22nd, 2015 Docker-based solutions to reproducibility in science Seven Bridges Genomics is launching a toolkit for creating fully portable bioinformatics workflows, based on Docker and the Common Workflow Language. With high-profile cases of data fabrication recently in the news, the New York Times asks how journal referees can detect fraudulent results in submitted articles when they are rarely … Written by Kate Hodesdon Featured October 21st, 2014 Building a Cancer Genomics Cloud Pilot We are delighted to announce that we were recently selected to participate in the Cancer Genomics Cloud Pilots project funded by the National Cancer Institute. The goal of this 24 month project is to democratize and speed cancer research by enabling all researchers to leverage cloud-computing technologies to interrogate petabyte-scale … Written by brandi Conferences October 18th, 2014 On our way to ASHG! Today, 10 excited members of the SGB team are on their way to (hopefully) sunny San Diego for this year’s American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) meeting. With so many great presentations and sessions scheduled, it is sure to be a fantastic year for science at ASHG. It might be … Written by zeynep Posts pagination 1 … 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16