Featured December 4th, 2015 Matt Might: Genetic testing and ‘crowdscreening’ enabling precision medicine, faster research At the intersection of Big Data, online communities, genomics and precision medicine, you’ll find Matt Might, a professor of computer science, who has taken a leading role advocating for patients with undiagnosed or rare diseases. Advances in genetic testing are revealing crucial details about these patients. One of them is his … Written by Edward Hancock Conferences October 30th, 2015 Festival of Genomics – See you in San Mateo The Seven Bridges team is headed to the Festival of Genomics in California Nov 3-5. If you’re participating, here are a few items from our To Do List and the festival week at a glance: Portable BioInformatics Workflows Workshop 9am Tues, Nov 3 – Gaurav Kaushik kicks off a workshop … Written by Edward Hancock Conferences October 9th, 2015 From ASHG 2015, Dr. Wan-Ping Lee on a better read mapping graph Last call #ASHG15. If bioinformatics and a better graph-based genome is your area of interest, you’ll want to meet Dr. Wan-Ping Lee of Seven Bridges Genomics at 3pm Friday 10/9 in Room 316. Here’s a brief introduction: Current short-read mapping algorithms utilize species-specific genome reference sequences to align reads from … Written by Edward Hancock Featured October 21st, 2014 Building a Cancer Genomics Cloud Pilot We are delighted to announce that we were recently selected to participate in the Cancer Genomics Cloud Pilots project funded by the National Cancer Institute. The goal of this 24 month project is to democratize and speed cancer research by enabling all researchers to leverage cloud-computing technologies to interrogate petabyte-scale … Written by brandi Featured January 28th, 2014 World Economic Forum: Technology Pioneers are Boston Strong With less than a week until Super Bowl XLVIII in New Jersey, we’re taking a look at a different meeting of elites. We’re not talking about Peyton Manning, and we’re certainly not talking about Russell Wilson. Instead, we’re focusing our attention on the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting, which took … Written by carol Featured November 4th, 2013 The GTEx methods debate This week, a dialogue erupted around the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) Consortium and its methods for analyzing RNA-Seq data. Tracking the debate will take you through Twitter threads, into blog posts, down comments sections, past PubMed entries, and over Nature‘s login wall. Written by Kate Blair Featured June 25th, 2013 RNA-Seq Interactive Literature Review RNA-Seq is fast becoming the top method for examining the transcriptional activity of genomes. In the five years since the first publications described the technology, RNA-Seq has enabled the discovery of new transcripts in well-studied genomes, challenged our views of imprinting, offered insights into the biology of cancer, and transformed new … Written by Kate Blair Featured April 1st, 2013 Unicorn genome sequence announced A landmark genome announcement was made by the Equid Sequencing Consortium today. Scientists hope that the new data will explain origins of the horn and help identify key genes that drive horn development. A high-quality draft of unicorn genome was published today and will be submitted to GenBank later this spring. Written by brandi Featured December 27th, 2012 AWS Global Start-Up Challenge Semi Finals It is official: we are in the semi-finals. With competitors ranging from business applications to gaming to big data and high-performance computing, we are proud to be among such great company! Written by Nate Posts pagination 1 2