Latest articles from our scientists
Initial publication of our graph-based tool set for genomic data analysis. Furthering the pan-genome paradigm using a sequence variation graph representation of genome variation.
A personalized approach based on a patient’s or pathogen’s unique genomic sequence is the foundation of precision medicine.
This paper describes a Semantic-Web-based Data Browser for the Cancer Genomics Cloud, which allows users to visually build and execute ontology-driven queries, improving data access and usability.
This publication describes the Seven Bridges Cancer Genomics Cloud, a cloud-based system that enables researchers to rapidly access and collaborate on massive public cancer genomics datasets, including The Cancer Genome Atlas.
This article introduces the The Blood Profiling Atlas in Cancer (BloodPAC), which works to harmonize and make available data, to accelerate the development of minimally invasive blood profiling assays for cancer assessment and monitoring.
This preprint describes Seven Bridges’ role as part of the PCAWG Technical Working Group to generate high-quality validated consensus variants, forming the basis of the highest resolution collection of cancer genomes to date.
This paper describes the Rabix Executor, an open-source workflow engine designed to improve computational reproducibility through reusability and interoperability of workflow descriptions.
This chapter describes an approach to leverage cloud computing technology for fusion detection from RNA-sequencing data at any scale.