Release note
AlphaFold Visualizer – new public project on the Seven Bridges Platform
We published the AlphaFold Visualizer (v0.1.5) as a public project on the Seven Bridges Platform containing an interactive analysis for the visualization of AlphaFold results. AlphaFold is an AI tool for 3D protein structure prediction. As it produces protein structure models as its output, a secondary analysis is needed for the interpretation and visualization of results. This analysis must be interactive, so it has been developed as the Data Studio AlphaFold Visualizer analysis and it represents a great addition to the publicly available app.
Recently published apps
We have also published new workflows for processing Nanopore data:
- ONT Flowcell Processing – aligns (Minimap2), sorts (Samtools) and quality checks (NanoPlot, Samtools Flagstat, Mosdepth, GATK ComputeLongReadMetrics) input Nanopore data from a single flowcell.
- ONT WGS Variant Calling – merges (Sambamba), calls variants (Clair3, Sniffles2) and quality checks (Mosdepth, NanoPlot) input BAM files from Nanopore data.